AACFC Street Sheet
Resource Guide to Social Services in our community concentrating on Arden-Arcade and Carmichael.
List of Current HART programs as of April 20, 2021
Click the button below to view or download a summary sheet of HART programs. The links on the PDF are clickable.
COVID-19 Related Resources Sheet
Community Lead Advocacy Program (CLAP):The Sacramento community is full of people who want to help. CLAP works hard to link, support, and advocate for the people who need resources to the best fit organizations and services in Sacramento.
God’s Helping Hand Laundry Days
On the third Saturday of every month a group of three or four volunteers gather at Launderland at 3100 Fulton Avenue (corner of Carson Way) to serve our neighbors in need. People who are homeless, or are living on social security, have no or very low income, or are disabled bring their clothes to Launderland. They come on foot, by bus or by automobile. We will pay for washing and drying two loads of laundry and also supply detergent and dryer sheets.This service is financed by donations, large and small. Strict accounting is kept for income and outgo.
Starbucks at Watt and Kings Way (near El Camino) donates a box of hot coffee with cream, sweeteners, napkins and stir sticks. The volunteers bring muffins, juice and granola bars to go with the coffee.
Our limit for a Saturday is 20 people. Volunteers are always needed. If you would like to help, please contact Julie Linderman at St. Michael’s Episcopal Church.
Salvation Army, Sacramento Community Center Programs
Salvation Army Community Center webs
Elev8 After School Program
a licensed After School program designed for children in grades K-8.
For more information, call 916-469-4622
Basketball and Youth Sports
The Salvation Army’s basketball league runs three times a year: Spring, Summer and Fall. On average, there are approximately 260 participants in each season. There are four age divisions: 14-17, 13 & under, 10 & under, 7 & under.
For more information, please call (916) 469-4620.
Little Lambs Early Care and Education Program
Year-round, affordable care for pre-school children ages 3 to 5 years old.
Call 916-469-4630 for more information and to see if you qualify.
Sacramento Public Library Adult Learning Services
Sacramento Public Library offers
- Adult Literacy
- GED Test Prep
- Career Online High School Diploma program
Ask at your local branch or visit http://www.saclibrary.org/Services/Adult-Learning
211 Sacramento
A program of Community Link Capitol Region, this is a free confidential information and referral service that is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
Assistance is available in multiple languages, and services are accessible to people with disabilities. Our Call Specialists speak: Spanish, Hmong, Thai, Lao, Mien and English. Over 200+ additional languages can be assisted 24 hours a day via tele-interpretation. Utilizing a comprehensive computerized database of more than 1,600 nonprofit and public agency programs, trained information and referral specialists give personalized attention to each caller. Specialists can refer callers to a variety of service that best meet their needs.
National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI)
The nation’s largest grassroots mental health organization dedicated to building better lives for the millions of Americans affected by mental illness.
• Support Groups
• NAMI HelpLine
• Video Resource Libary
• Mental Health Education
• Online discussion groups
• Publications & Reports
Publications on Hunger and Food Access
Intersection of Poverty, Food Insecurity and Poor Nutrition
Pregnant women and children need better access to nutritious food
School Breakfast Scorecard
Addressing Food Insecurity among older adults
Food Insecurity Among Older Adults – AARP
Senior Care Resources
A Caregiver’s Guide to Obesity and Senior Living
Emergency Housing for Seniors and Veterans
Food Security Resource Map
Refugee Food Access Map – Google My Maps
Free Goods and Services Resource Map:
Free Goods and Services – Sacramento Region – Google My Maps
State Resource Guide
California Community Resource Guide