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Tag Archives: Sacramento
Water Donations Needed
Summer has arrived in Sacramento and a lack of water is an existential threat to unsheltered persons living on our streets. As one of its many services, Loaves & Fishes provides bottled water to guests at their campus, persons living in encampments throughout the metro region and those on the street with no shelter. Loaves and Fishes is accepting donations of bottled water now to maintain adequate supplies as demand ramps up this summer. All sizes are acceptable but 16 – 24 oz. bottles are preferred.
Water donations are now being accepted at:
Loaves & Fishes Warehouse
1351 North “C” Street, Sacramento
Weekdays between 7 am and 2:45 pm
If you have a large donation (pallet load) or further questions re water donations, please contact Julie Rowley, Director of Finance and Procurement <julie@sacloaves.org> in advance.
“Build for Unity” Info Webinar
Wednesday, November 17, 5:30–6:30 pm
Live on Zoom
Click to Register for this free event
Interested in learning more? Contact”
Kaitlyn Bathke
Community Engagement Officer
Accessing Medi-Cal for People Experiencing Homelessness – interview
Joe Smith, Advocacy Director, Loaves & Fishes
Joe Smith interviews homeless clients about their experiences enrolling in and using Medi-Cal. (5:52 minutes)
Master Siting Plan to Address Homelessness
Here is the first draft of the city of Sacramento’s Master Siting Plan to Address Homelessness
It is 56 pages so watch your printer. Elements of this plan can be helpful in developing a business plan for a future respite center in Arden Arcade/Carmichael.
Review online or download the Master Plan and Sacramento City Council’s Resolution about the plan by clicking the links below: